COVID-19: Message from the Chairman

Dear AHS member, 

I am sure it will come as no surprise to anyone that, in light of the Government advice on COVID-19, the Committee have taken the decision to cancel all upcoming Ashtead Horticultural Events for the next 12 weeks. This means the April speaker event, and sadly the coffee morning, which has always been a personal favourite of ours, will not take place. I recognise that this will be disappointing to everyone who enjoys these events but the safety and well being of our members is of paramount importance.

We have yet to take a final decision on the coach outing and other events, and will do so in the coming weeks based on the most up to date government advice at the time. If the coach outing is cancelled (as seems likely), and you have already purchased a ticket, a full refund will be made available. I hope that you are all keeping well and staying safe in this unprecedented situation.

For those of our members who are key workers continuing to serve in the NHS, other critical public services, shops, supermarkets, and deliveries, we applaud and thank you. Thankfully, our gardens can provide a welcome refuge and calm respite from the storm. As well as giving us fresh air and exercise, for Scott and myself, simply sitting down to watch Gardeners’ World last night was a very therapeutic end to what has been a busy week. In our garden, tulips and anemones are blooming, the broad beans are hardening off, and a few dahlias are starting to wake up in the greenhouse.                                                                                                            

We appreciate that for many the AHS events provided a social space as well as horticultural interest. Over the coming weeks, the committee will be considering how we might continue to connect with each other, whilst still maintaining safe social distancing. This could be through some form of online community such as a Facebook page. If anyone is interested in supporting this initiative, with their ideas, skills and time, please do contact us at

Take care, 
Gill (& Scott) McPherson
Co-chairs, Ashtead Horticultural Society   

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