Coffee Morning 2018

The event took place at the home of Marion and Barrie Mould, 17 Cuverhay, Ashtead. Last year the Coffee Morning raised almost £900 and this year that was exceeded by raising over £1000 which helps to cover the cost of hiring the Peace Memorial Hall for the two shows and five evening talks which are organised by the Society each year.  

In spite of the dull weather and cool conditions well over 100 visitors attended. The rain held off until all the visitors had left and most of the clearing up was done. 

There was a splendid array of plants for sale. Our thanks go to all who contributed, helping to make this a most successful event all round.

The garden was beautiful, with well-stocked flower borders on one side and vegetable and soft fruit areas on the other. Tea and coffee was served in these pleasant surroundings and a delicious variety of cakes were available to buy. Thanks to all who contributed.

Finally, thanks to Marion and Barrie for being such warm and welcoming hosts.