AHS Autumn Show

September – Click here for this year’s date

If you are a member you will have a show schedule for the year. It contains all the information you need to prepare and submit your entries. If you are not a member the information below will help you to get started.

There are five sections which cover all the types of entry that are available. Guidance on preparing an exhibit can be found at the bottom of each section. Experienced exhibitors are always on hand to help you get started – just ask!

Members only can enter:

Members and non-members can enter:

Entering an exhibit is simple. Email your list of entries to showentries@ashteadhorticulturalsociety.uk not later than 12 noon on the Friday before the show. Entry is free.

The following details must be provided:

  • Name of entrant
  • Class number of each entry
  • Total number of entries being made

Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall will be open for staging exhibits between 7 and 8.30pm on Friday evening before the Show and between 8.30 and 10.30am on the morning of the Show. A card showing these details for each of your entries will be waiting for you in the Hall and must be placed, with your exhibit, on the bench for the relevant class no later than 10.30am on the morning of the Show. Please read the Schedule carefully to understand what is required for each class and allow yourself plenty of time when staging exhibits.

The following organisations sponsor specific classes and/or donate prizes:

Rainbow Garden Nurseries


Ashtead Park Garden Centre


Prize money and Awards

The prize money for all Classes is:

1st prize£1.00
2nd prize£0.50
3rd prize£0.20

Best in Show

The Pollock Plate is awarded for the Best Exhibit in Show.


The Cullum Trophy is awarded for the exhibitor gaining the most points in Horticulture.

Certificates of Merit are awarded for outstanding exhibits in Flowers, Vegetables and Fruit.

The Harding Cup will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most points in Dahlias.

The Bailey Cup is awarded for the best Dahlia exhibit.

The Lovejoy Cup is awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most points in Chrysanthemums.

Storr Silver Challenge Cup goes to the winner of class 334 (5 Chrysanthemums).

The Violet Maples Cup is for the exhibitor gaining the most points in Roses.

The Rita Preston Cup is awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most points in classes 350 – 365.

Autumn Vegetable Collection Shield goes to the winning Vegetable Collection (Class 401).

The Nobby Reddick Tankard will be awarded to the winning Ashtead Allotment Vegetable Collection (Class 402).

The book ‘Dream Gardens – 100 Inspirational Gardens‘ is awarded to the person deemed to have been the most enthusiastic member during the year.


The Messenger Tankard is awarded for the highest number of points in this Division.

A Certificate of Merit is awarded for the outstanding exhibit in the Culinary Classes.

To determine the winners of the awards above, the highest number of points is calculated using the scoring system below. The following points will be awarded for each Class:

1st prize5 points
2nd prize3 points
3rd prize2 points
Highly Commended1 point